zaterdag 12 januari 2013

Weekend Reflections

A view at the canal from the cafe where we had lunch in the city Utrecht.

And this is the lunchroom where I had delicious crispy bread with italian salami and cream cheese, mmmm.
See for more weekend reflections here

11 opmerkingen:

  1. They look like comfy cafes. The first one has a fine view. I love the little building on the canal. It looks like it might be homes with a big door.

  2. Heerlijk broodje, ik ben zelf ook wel een liefhebber van salami.
    Mooie foto's.

  3. Love the view. The flats along the canal..look a bit like stables for horses. Love the arched doors.

  4. I really wish to visit your country, the places, the people, the culture are really amazing for me. Have a good and thinking weekend :)


    Barcelona Daily Photo

  5. oh my goodness, I'll take two of those sandwiches!!!

    a nice traditional view for such a modern interior.

    Happy weekend, Bieb!

  6. The first one looks like a little diorama.

  7. Fine place to have a nice little sandwich ; I see you did also enjoy the view...

  8. I have just had a lovely browse around your blog... many thanks for sharing it.

  9. Mooie reflecties Marian, die in de koffiemachine is zo leuk.
