vrijdag 15 maart 2013

Light and shadow

At March 14 to wake up with snow is rather weird. We are supposed to sit in the garden with a nice spring sunshine. The terrace was devided in two halves and today still is!

Our Sofietje had made a nice pattern.

 But preferred to be inside. She has lost her winter furcoat already. I have never had a cat who lost so much fur, this was new to me. She is so small I feared there would be left a naked cat, but she looks fine.

19 opmerkingen:

  1. In ieder geval schijnt de zon, maar nu moet de temperatuur nog omhoog..
    Mooie foto ook van Sofietje :)

  2. Not, I take it then, descended from the great snow leopards of the past. :-)

  3. Wat heeft ze een schattig snoetje! Mooie foto ook van het buitengebeuren! Gaat het weer goed met je? Groetjes en fijn weekend.

  4. She looks great! I would prefer being inside too.

  5. aw poor thing! She looks sad, but I'm sure she's really just thinking about something. haha.

    From your photo, you can see that cats pretty much walk in a line, so you get one little trail of paw prints. It's pretty incredible.

  6. I like the kitty kat paw prints in the snow.

  7. Very wise pussy cat..Sophie is so cute Marianne, she has such a worried look on her sweet little face!

  8. Cute little kitty, your Sofietje! I would not attempt pronouncing her name, however :-) I can tell Northern Europe is having a really hard time getting rid of winter this year. Hang in there. Your terrace will be dry and shiny again soon... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  9. oh cute!
    here it is soooo very cold again as well. we had snow last week, then springlike weather, then now its very cold again. grrrrr

  10. Thanks! They must be beautiful all decked out in flowers. But you're right, now not so much.

  11. We too, had a snow day here - but not too much today - it didn't stop us from a trip to the city (1hr) - Saint John. We met with dear friends and had lunch at Vito's Italian Restaurant - a lovely get together on my Birthday. You cat is very beautiful and so nicely marked. Beautiful Sophie. Have a wonderful evening.

  12. What a sensible cat. Who would want to get frostbitten paws?

  13. Spring weather can be very changeable. Windy Calm! Cold, Warm!.Wet dry! So I guess yours was snowy for a day or two.

  14. what a cute kitty. Yeh I heard about the snow Hope it will change soon

  15. Great model!
    Like your image AND text.
    Made me smile!:)

    Happy weekend!

  16. My cats also have lost their winter coat. And each of the three loose as much fur than your Sofietje, so imagine the state of my house if I don't vacuum every day...

    They do loose their winter coat a little bit early though, you are right. I guess it is because the weather is getting hotter every year.

  17. Fantastisch mooie kat.


  18. She looks worried about getting her new coat wet in the snow.

  19. She not only looks fine but she is beautiful!
