First I have to thank everybody for the nice comments on my previous post. I am doing well, but am still a bit confused about what all happened to me in a short time.
This photo I made in Amsterdam a while ago and had to look twice, huh, camels? But those three dromedaries are a piece of art called "Fata Morgana", a suitable name for it I think, and made by "Iris Le Rutte". They are walking along a railroad near the Amstelstation.
The bridge in front is used by cyclists and pedesatrians. See for more Sunday Bridges here.
That was a bad scare yesterday! I imagine that there will be some life changes for you as a result, including more exercise? This pedestrian bridge will be perfect for your walks! Think of all the great photo opportunities as you walk with your camera!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI can only imagine how easy it is to find an interesting bridge in Amsterdam....A bit surprised that you found one with a view of camels!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThree camels on a bridge would be a surprise find anywhere Marianne. Fun shot. Take care.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGood to hear you are feeling better - but don't overdo it - take it easy - I agree with Kate.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI was quite surprised to see camels on the bridge and laughed, thinking there was a circus in town, until upon further look, noticed they didn't have fur. ha,ha
Nice capture - Take care.
Those camels made me do a double-take. Fun!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenWat grappig! Zo is het een meteen een hele andere foto.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenSure, why not? If they can find the remains of ancient camels in the Arctic, why not in Amsterdam? ;-)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThe camels are absolutely cool. You caught them at the right angle.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenInteresting how your bridges blend in with the area.
Interessant kunstwerk op het dak. Ik hoop het gaat weer beter met je.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenIk wens je beterschap Marianne
blij dat je weer veilig thuis bent
BeantwoordenVerwijderenmoet toch wel een beetje angstaanjagend geweest zijn
hope all well now
What a fun piece of art although I wouldn't have known they weren't real if you hadn't explained.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenI looked twice.Camels in Amsterdam???
BeantwoordenVerwijderenGood you're feeling better. Not a nice interruption of live. Like the camesl My brother would love them He collects camels
BeantwoordenVerwijderenVery belatedly, «Louis» thanks you for this fine contribution to Sunday Bridges - and he is all the more appreciative of your post having learned that you had been hospitalized!