maandag 1 april 2013

Monday Mural

A porch in Amsterdam covered with tiles, the text says "Eckelboom's yarns magasin, established since 1768.
The firms doesn't excists anymore, couldn't find any information about it.
See for more Monday Murals here

9 opmerkingen:

  1. They could have so easily painted over it. Nice that they have kept it.

  2. Very interesting - the colours are easy on the eyes and wonderful design. Really very nice.

  3. Those tiles are a real find. What a pity you couldn't find out any more history about the building.

  4. Dat is vast erg oud! Super dat het bewaard is gebleven.

  5. I hope those tiles last for a long time more!

  6. These cool tiles look like they date from the Art Nouveau age. Such a cool find. Amazing the advertising continues to exist. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  7. Weer een heel stel van je fotos bekeken, en ik heb er weer veel van genoten.

    Fijne dinsdag, Marianne.

  8. je ziet dat hier ook her en der, dergelijke dingen die waarschijnlijk uit vergetelheid bewaard blijven en maar goed ook
