donderdag 28 november 2013


In dark days people might be want to know what the future will bring. At the Christmas market in Amsterdam they could have a consultation with a clairvoyant in a pretty decorated  "Pipowagen" (caravan).
No, I didn't go in. 

12 opmerkingen:

  1. Nice capture on the night scene. I'm not superstitious so I would't go in either.

  2. i would not have gone in either, a bit scary!!
    haha, i really couldnt find anything about the sculpture, so thank you! i see now that she has more sculptures in weesp. i should check them out sometime... :)

    1. trouwens, ik las net pas je comment over de tandartsboor; whahahahahaha! kzal eens aan mijn ouders vragen hoeveel lawaai t is.....

  3. I would love to go in...but am not that adventuresome....Maybe we could get Kate to so she could share her pictures!

  4. Wat prachtig is het in A'dam verlicht. Nee, daar zou ik ook niet naar binnen zijn gegaan.

  5. Somebody has to go that you know for the experience, but afraid not me - I live too far away. This is a wonderfully inviting photo though :)

  6. This caravan is a pretty gaudy affair. I've never had an interest in my specific future. I know there will be a future and it's up to me as to what I do with it.

  7. Since when is there a Christmas market in Amsterdam ? 7 years ago there was nothing, not even some decoration. We are going often to Amsterdam on Christmas because my son lives there (not in the center of course) but in his area (Ijburg) there is nearly no Christmas decoration at all ! which we always miss !

  8. Prachtig zijn die pipowagens, echt een stukje jeugdsentiment -voor mij tenminste ;)

  9. Dearest Marianne,
    Guess I've always been way too sober for giving such practices any thought! But it is surprising how many people do believe in this...

  10. I wouldn't have gone in either Marianne..but I have two sisters who would have been in there like a flash :)
