woensdag 19 maart 2014

Looking up

Walking in Amsterdam, sometimes it's worth to look up. Then you can see some interesting decorations on the facades of the buildings.

I haven't found any information  about the building or the decorations, only it is a a gay bar now.

12 opmerkingen:

  1. There are great discoveries if you look up. Me, I keep an eye out for commuters on bicycles.

  2. I love the decorations above the front door and I only imagine how much time was put into making this lovely piece and also love the lamps and front door. NICE :)

  3. When we look up at buildings here in NoVA these days it's to make sure we're not about to be clobbered by an icicle. :-)

  4. Ja het loont echt om in steden omhoog te kijken. Mooie gevelsteen.

  5. For a minute I thouhgt there was a crack down the corner of the building and looked again to see that it was a wire.

  6. Looking up when in Europe is essential Marianne :) nice find here.

  7. Browsing in a bookshop a couple of weeks ago I came across a book called 'Looking up'. It had many interesting photos taken in London of decorative façades, statues and other features that you wouldn't notice if you didn't look up. So maybe you will treat us to some more of the upper levels of Amsterdam.

  8. Dearest Marianne,
    Lovely decorations indeed! Will become quite dangerous when looking 'up' too much!

  9. I love that the new owners have not covered over the lovely old decor.

  10. Vooral in een winkelstraat loop je snel aan zoiets moois voorbij.

  11. Looking up is always my mantra when visiting a new city. Many wonders are then revealed!
