zondag 22 juni 2014

Strange effect

At the Dom-Church in Utrecht a huge image of the inside hangs at the outside of the building to welcome you in this area. It looks like you watch straight into an open church.

But this is the real  inside. The Dom-Church was the cathedral of the bishopric of Utrecht during the Middle Ages. It has been a Protestant church since 1580. The building is the one church in the Netherlands that closely resembles the classic Ghotic style as developed in France.

As often happens during history the buildings are many times destroyed by men or nature. What remains of this church today are the choir, the transept and the Dom Tower.The central nave of the cathedral which collapsed in the storm of 1674 is now a square with large trees, the Dom square, seen in the first picture.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. A different kind of facade and welcome on the outside, and the inside is beautiful, esp the stained glass window.

  2. That's interesting and tricky on the eyes. It is a lovely church.

  3. I so enjoyed the churches and museums of Europe, while I lived there. Dom-Church is at its finest, the architecture, the stained glass windows, the columns the history - strikingly beautiful.

  4. I think the image on the church, makes the square even more beautiful, and hopefully entices people to have a look inside.

  5. Wat een geweldige blikvanger voor deze prachtige kerk. Ik ben gek op kerken en wanneer ik er een zie zal ik altijd even binnen kijken.

  6. Erg mooi. Ik ben eens bovenop de Dom geweest, ook heel bijzonder!

  7. Doet me denken aan het brandglas van de Oude Kerk in Delft.


  8. How do they ever clean those windows?

  9. Beautiful.
    I ask the same as John .. :) It is a big mystery.

  10. Breathtaking and stunning! What a church.

    I expect my father would be familiar with this church.

  11. Dearest Marianne,
    Sad in a way that often such magnificent buildings don't survive either the brutal natural forces or any wars.
    Lovely insights you gave us.
    Happy summer to you.

  12. ...and then there were wars that altered many buildings by destruction or partial destruction. It's a very beautiful building.

  13. interessant om de aandacht te trekken en de mensen uit te nodigen binnen te stappen in plaats van er voorbij te lopen
