donderdag 10 juli 2014

Dutch Lion defeated

The symbol of our football team  is a lion and unfortunately the team hast lost the race to the World Cup last night.The Dutch people had a great time the last few weeks with watching the matches in cafes, squares with big television screens or friends at home. But now it is over and we have to go back to normal
This lion  is a copy of a 2000 year old Greek Lion Horoscope found in Nemrud Dagi in Turkey. It shows the oldest know horoscope in the world. A lion surrounded by 19 stars and 3 planets represents the astronomic constellation Lion. In the ancient Greece sculptures and reliefs were painted in many different colours. The "Allard Pierson Museum" in Amsterdam received a copy and found out what the colours might have been to show the public how it must have looked like.

15 opmerkingen:

  1. This lion looks worried. I don't like shootouts.

  2. Dearest Marianne,
    Sad enough to watch the Dutch lion getting defeated in a tough and WET game.
    This is a lovely 2000 year old Greek Lion Horoscope and very appropriate for the day after...
    As for our camera, yes we lost photos of our friends in Miami... so sad as we went to see them since we missed the wedding on February 15 because we were at Mom & Dad's 65th wedding anniversary celebration in The Netherlands. It hurts but some people just are not honest for returning personal belongings. Glad you got your own make back in such a way. Enjoy it and we certainly enjoy the great photos you capture!

  3. Your team had the heart of a lion so this symbol is very appropriate.

  4. Thanks for the picture from a "Leo"!

  5. Sorry about the game Marianne.. next year yeh :) Leo does look a little worried there :)

  6. When I learned that the Netherlands lost in the semi-final my first thought was of you and how devastated you must have been, being the rabid soccer fan that you are. It will all be okay, just give it time. :)

  7. Sorry about the game's outcome, but--from all that I've read--it was an exciting game.

  8. Mooi! Ik vraag me af waar het van gemaakt is?

  9. Ja, wat jammer he. Ik ben er echt wel een beetje naar van geweest. Het ging allemaal zo goed en als er dan zomaar een verkeerde beslissing wordt genomen kan het ook zomaar allemaal mis gaan. Nou ja, op naar de Europesche kampioenschappen dan maar. :))

  10. Nice looking lion. Must have a great dentist too, eh? :)

  11. A very distinctive looking piece.

    Well, the team kept a lot of people captivated.

  12. I was rooting for the Netherlands in that match.
    I like the star on the lion's nose.

  13. The Dutch foot ball team played a great series.

  14. Nice lion. Next time he will smile.

  15. The Netherlands played very well - so sad they lost that game, but should be congratulated to have gotten as far as they did and I would be most proud of their effort. Perhaps next year - one never knows, eh. Have a wonderful day. Lovely "Leo" Lion :)
