woensdag 27 mei 2015

Photofestival Naarden (3)

These are the ramparts of the fortified town.

Here were photos of the many floods where people suffer all over the world.

Under the ground in the ramparts were also exhibitions.

These canvas photo's were place along the ramparts in the town.

This pretty yellow barn was also a location for the exhibition.

With inside many photobooks you could have a look in.

11 opmerkingen:

  1. That route would be nice to walk. The fresh air and culture in the same time.

  2. A great way to exhibit photography. The flood shots are particularly vivid.

  3. Wat leuk dat er zoveel compleet verschillende locaties worden gebruikt.

  4. That second photo reminded me of the floods in Texas right now.

  5. An interesting place for an exhibition.

  6. I would find this a very exciting exhibition. Some of these photos would attract my attention for some time.

  7. I like how realistic the photos are and that they're displayed in nature. A very interesting contrast!

    I hope you're well, Bieb!

  8. Dearest Marianne,
    However sad the subjects of people in flooded areas, incredible photos.
    Sending you hugs,

  9. So many photos to see Marianne, what an incredible setting for the exhibition. Did you have a favourite shot?

  10. I'd enjoy viewing this outdoor photo show.
