dinsdag 12 januari 2016

No inspiration

Just me thinking what to post, I don't know today, have a little winterdip I think.

Sofietje is not inspired too, has her wintersleep on the heating.

16 opmerkingen:

  1. Oh dear, I think January is making all our minds a bit sleepy. Sofietje is so cute...and has found a wonderful place to sleep away the winter. :)

  2. You do such a wonderful job Marianne. It must be daunting to keep up with City Daily Photo. Maybe they should change it to City Weekly Photo?

  3. Not to worry. Everyone gets brain freeze. It won't last.

  4. You may have been at a brain standstill, but you certainly came up with a great shot. It is one of those that says...I am living my life on MY terms.

  5. You came up with a fab post Marianne, I love to see the work spots of other bloggers, mine was a little the same today except without me in it :) Sophie is being a typical cat, relaxed and cosy :)

  6. Winterdip and winter sleep are beautiful words to describe the situations!

  7. When all else fails, use a cat. Always a winner.

  8. Somebody took and excellent photo of your winterdip! I like the word.

  9. Gelukkig worden de dagen al weer langer, met die gedachte wordt de dip snel een kleiner dipje :)

  10. It's fun to see where you write your blog from. And Sofietje has such a cute face! My daughter's family cat is name Sophie.

  11. Sofietje is always a welcome sight. :-)

  12. I sometimes have the same problem. Cute shot of your kitty!

  13. I am in the same state ! Good to know that there are others around !

  14. It is not always an inspiration.
    Do you have a mirror back of the computer, or the second machine?

  15. ah... I know the feeling!
    I love the photo of little Sofietje !! How sweet!!!
