donderdag 13 april 2017


I always like to visit the "Foam" Photography Museum in Amsterdam but didn't know what to think of this exhibition.

To understand this mess, you have to read this explanation.

The next room was even worse, I had to find a way through.

This room had a video with a troubled couple.

Finally I found a real photo! Made by American photographer William Eggleston (1939) this was his first colour photo during a trip to New Orleans in 1971.

This was a nice serie "Los Alamos" about his roadtrip from 1965-1974 from Memphis to South California.

This toddler had found an alternitive way to cross the museum..

15 opmerkingen:

  1. Lange lappen stof is niet wat je zou verwachten in een fotomuseum. De foto's van een roadtrip spreken me meer aan.

  2. I remember the old darkroom days. Cute kid!

  3. Mmmmm I don't follow the thinking behind the first couple of photos. The others are more my kind of thing. I think the toddler is asking his mum why she doesn't have colourful legs like the other lady.

  4. I like the final shots better. . .

  5. An interesting exhibit. I like seeing the old pinball machines in the second to the last photo.

  6. You do wonder what the little child is thinking!

  7. I love the little boy, enjoying the museum in his own way! I wonder if he crawled through the first exhibit this way???

  8. Some strange photos/art indeed!
    Have a lovely Easter Marianne.

  9. I like the last three shots and the era it represents. The first couple of photos are confusing. Is it really considered art or is the person bored and came up with a bizarre way to represent his photography art. A question to ponder if nothing else :)

  10. The tower of trash seems to me to be the result of humans' materialism . . .throiughtout the globe. The babe on the floor is a practical child who is familiar with the best way to get around. A very interesting exhibit!

  11. I actually love the textures and colours too in your first photo.

  12. Maybe the toddler has found the way to escape the alluding negatives! What a fun museum. I have been to Los Alamosa.NM.
