vrijdag 19 mei 2017

Bicycles, bicycles

When there is a fence in our country you will find a bicycle aswell, attached or leaning against it.

 And when there is no fence you can put it in a bicycle storage as here in front of the trainstation in Amersfoort. Many people who go to work by train put their bikes here and pick it up again when going home.

 A real cyclist always finds his own bike back again, as you always recognize your own child!

15 opmerkingen:

  1. The number of bikes in you country are mind boggling.

  2. Gelukkig worden er een stuk minder kinderen gestolen dan fietsen ;)

  3. I love the iron work of the fence behind the bikes in that first shot.

  4. How does you ever find your bike in that sea of bikes! I would be worried all day.

  5. Incredible seeing all those bikes sitting there. I think you are right about recognizing your own bike. I would probably have some kind of neon decoration on mine. People probably tend to park their bike in the same or near the same location daily, making it easier to find.

  6. Incroyable! It never ceases to amaze me when you put shots like this up Marianne ☺ Astounding number of bikes!

  7. Wow! I would probably never be able to find my own bicycle in there.

  8. You'd have to mark your bike so that you could find it easly. It's great that people commute with a bike.

  9. Vauuuuuu..
    I would never find my own bike there. I lost sometimes my car too.. heh.

  10. Finding your own bike here must be an special skill!

  11. One would need to be creative to find one's own bike. I'd hate to be in the middle of the pack!

  12. I doubt we have seen anything like this in the world. The cyclists made walking the main streets of Amsterdam intimidating to us. You are accustomed to it.
