maandag 27 november 2017

3D Painting

I continue with the 3D  streetart paintings in Almere last october. You can see how agile you must be to make a painting on the pavement.

I love the little spectator aside.

And here it is, don't know exactly what it is, a kind of fish... 
Linking to "Monday Mural"

19 opmerkingen:

  1. Yes, it does look like a fish. Interesting to see how it gets painted.

  2. De vis lijkt echt bovenop de tegels te liggen. Blijft leuk om te zien.

  3. ...I wish that we had these sidewalk paintings here!

  4. It's so good Marianne but I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know what it is ☺ love the little girl too, she looks fascinated!

  5. Another cool 3D Painting, I like the 1st shot !

  6. I think it is a piggy bank who has lost a lot of its money that has spilled out beside it!

  7. Very cool, a nice addition to street art. The little child is very interested in the process she is watching unfold.

  8. It looks like a fish to me too or, with that nose, maybe a green pig. It's interesting!

  9. These 3D paintings are so fantastic.
    So much creativity!
    : )

  10. I don't know what it is either. But it's definitely 3-D. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.
