donderdag 14 juni 2018

Looking up

I lived In this neighbourhood in Amsterdam for about nine years and never noticed the beautiful houses.

All the corners have a tower.

I think I had a to busy life in the seventies, first full time working and than raising two kids from baby to todlers. My focus was on the ground to keep the kids away from dangerous traffics, I just did not have time to look up!

12 opmerkingen:

  1. I think this happens to many of us. We get us busy with the daily minutiae of life that we don’t notice interesting things all around us.

  2. That is a very pretty neighborhood. It's funny the things we didn't notice when we were young.

  3. Ik denk ook dat je nu anders kijkt omdat je een fotoblog hebt, ik kijk tenminste veel bewuster.

  4. I love turrets on buildings and lived in one in Philadelphia once!
    I love your town!

  5. I would love to see those corner turrets from the inside. Are they tiny rooms? Or extensions of a square room? I don't know, but they look like a cozy spot to read with a cup of tea and a view.

    1. Just extensions of a square room, to give a good view outside and to sit indeed.

  6. It's often the way Marianne! When we are young we're too busy to notice the details, thank goodness we make up for it later, lovely captures here ✨

  7. The first one reminds me of an ice cream cone. There was a lot of architecture like this in the area where we stayed two years ago, just south of Vondelpark.

  8. Those building certainly are beautiful. I agree with you about not having time to look up, but also since I have my blog I seem to notice things I hadn't noticed before.
