zaterdag 28 juli 2018

Blood moon

There was a lot of exitement in the Netherlands that the "Bloodmoon" ( a big Red Moon) was visible last evening. A lot of people had come to the dike at the Gooilake to have a good look.

In a solar eclipse the sun is not visible, in a lunar eclipse the moon is, despite the fact that the moon is shielded by the earth. "He colors red, because the light from the sun is deflected in our atmosphere, in the direction of the moon." Because the moon turns red, the phenomenon is also called 'blood moon'.

It was getting darker but still nothing to see.

The disappointment to see just that little pink spot due to  the clouds was felt by many spectators.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. i think it was probably still worth the wait, even though it wasn't as dramatic as hoped for.

  2. Well, at least you got to see it! How cool! I don't think it was visible here.

  3. We were disappointed that it wasn't visible here. I suggest we travel up to look out point to view it...and found out this was one of the few places you couldn't see it.

  4. How fun that you went out to see how it looked.

  5. We couldn't see it properly either - after weeks and weeks of clear night skies, last nights sky decided to be obtuse by covering itself in clouds.

  6. We had overcast last night. I remember a couple of years back when there was a lunar eclipse, at the place I was living at, myself and the other tenants spent time watching it- and just before the eclipse was total, clouds came in and hid the whole thing.

  7. No moon in sight here last night, we had rain and a yellowish street light. :)

  8. The view was close but not good enough.

  9. It must have been an exciting event to observe.

  10. I sat on our back deck and just enjoy her.
    Coffee is on

  11. We didn't get to see it in the UK, I'm so pleased many people did and shared their photographs.

    All the best Jan

  12. I confess that I didn't even try Marianne, it was too cold here in Perth ☺
