zondag 3 november 2019

Canal repair

The canals in Amsterdam are not well maintained over the past years. The walkways of many canals are in danger of collapsing and need to be repaired as a matter of urgency.  That is what happening here.  A link to an example of a collapsing you can see "here".

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Neglect over here is the same. Lucky for us the government in now in a big catch up phase.

  2. Lijkt me toch geen prettig gevoel voor de mensen die daar wonen.

  3. It seems that infrastructure has been neglected all over the world.

  4. daar moet men dringend werk van maken Marianne

    fijne zondagavond

  5. Our Canal is fairly well kept up, but it requires that work be done each year.

  6. That is dangerous, the hole shown in the article is incredible. Why do the authorities always wait until something serious happens before they fix it? It doesn't make sense and the price increases for the solution.

  7. Transports me to see your fine photo, M
