dinsdag 4 februari 2020

City Parc

The Sarphatipark in Amsterdam where I have spend many hours with my little kids when I lived  there. It was the only green space in the crowded neighbourhood where they could walk and play without fear to ran over by a car.

It had changed a bit those fitness equipment was new to me.

But this tree was still there where children could sit and climb in.

The monument with Dr. Samuel Sarphati after whom the park is named. 
Read more about him "here"

The sandbox where I sat many hours while the kids were playing. I see the park has still difficulties with the rain waters.
Linking to "Our World Tuesday"

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Die oude parken hebben karakter. Prachtig!

  2. What a perfect tree for climbing. I bet kids love it.

  3. Lovely memories Marianne, the tree is amazing 💙

  4. This looks like a beautiful urban park and a great place for children to play, especially since there's a tree for climbing. What fun!

  5. Sad that there are areas with such a dense population that green space is very limited.

  6. I expect the children love jumping in the large puddles.
