maandag 27 april 2020

King's Day

Today it is King's day, the celebration of the birthday of our King Willem Alexander. Usually he visits with his familiy  every year another city in the Netherlands to celebrate it there with the inhabitants. This year everything is different because of  the Corona virus. The King stays at home and there are no festivities in the whole country at all. No famous "freemarkets" where everybody can sell his attic stuff and  children their toys. It is all forbiddden this year....
Take a look "here" how it was in 2018

7 opmerkingen:

  1. Enjoy the public holiday, even though there are no celebrations.

  2. ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸Happy Birthday King Willem Alexander

  3. Another festive event that will be missed.

  4. We have a big festival coming up, Mary from Dungloe, and it's cancelled. Lots of cancelled events everywhere, very sad.

  5. Some things seem like they are very restrictive. Hopefully it will end.
