dinsdag 3 december 2013


At the Christmas market in Amsterdam this cute doggy was wrapped up in a coat accompanying his/her boss. Unfortunately the photo is a bit blurry, he suddenly moved his head and the light was poor, but I wanted to show you anyway.

Here he/she spent the evening guarding the wooden shoes and some unidentified sticks, have no clue what they are used for. Temperatures are now below zero here, winter has started last night. Snowfall is expected later this week.

13 opmerkingen:

  1. These have got to be walking sticks - I make them too, except a bit differently. How lovely are these, but I am not sure what the handle is made of, looks like a netting of some sort to support your hand, so it doesn't slip. Wonderful photo and love the puppy all wrapped up and cuddling in his bed.

  2. Well, you certainly have an eclectic mix of images for your holiday market! What fun to attend something like this! We had our first snowfall yesterday but much of it has disappeared already yet more is on the way. Winter has arrived!

  3. No wonder the dog is snuggled in that coat with temperatures at freezing. Stay warm

  4. I'd go with walking sticks too.

  5. Lief...... Ik hoop dat de sneeuw niet komt.....

  6. Schattig. Het hondje ligt mooi tussen de koopwaar.

  7. What an obedient dog,you wouldn't catch my dogs sitting still for long......maybe they are just badly trained! Snow should wait until Christmas I think......


  8. It would be awfully cold working at an outdoor market. I wonder if dog and owner are sharing the jacket. I couldn't bear that cold.

  9. Wat een schattige foto van het hondje. Je hebt ook een prachtige header.

  10. Dearest Marianne,
    What a cute photo of that watch dog!
    Funny sticks indeed... there must be a story to them as they look special.
    Wow, freezing temperatures... brrrrrrrrr. Here it is raining on and off today but tomorrow it will return to 24°C and Friday it will be 25°C. Stay cozy and dress warm!

  11. The Dutch are a very hardy people to have o[en markets in cold temperatures. The dog has the right idea...just wrap yourself in a blanket.

  12. and today its also so very grey. beeeehhh. i overslept because it was still so dark.
    oh, and yes, we also spent a LOT of time in the museum. so interesting!!

  13. I would have tried to scoop him up and take him home.
