maandag 2 december 2013

Monday Mural

The sign says it all, this is an advertisement for a bike rental in Amsterdam.
See for more Monday Murals here.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. A colourful mural like this makes your business stand out.

  2. Yes, there isn't an doubt about what is inside. It appears to be "in" the street. I was wondering if you can rent street space for your business?

    1. It is a storage box of the bike rental at the fleamarket and locked as all the other market stalls on sunday. It is his regular place and he will pay for it I am sure.

  3. This is very colourful indeed and most impressive to look at. I'll be early in the morning he opens shop and all bicycles are usually rented. If that building were on the sidewalk/roadway, police here would say it had to be moved, but I expect you have many bicycle shops around, eh.

  4. Knowing how popular cycling is in Amsterdam Marianne, I imagine this business does well :)

  5. Bold colours and bright icons for the business. Can't help thinking of a restaurant, tho, when I see "Mac" written anywhere. Interesting that the sign is in English.

  6. Creatief en functioneel.
    Ook mooie nieuwe header foto!

  7. This would catch your eye. I guess the variety of images would be reminding people what they could see and do if they rented a bike.

  8. Dearest Marianne,
    Can't be more typical Dutch...

    LOVE your header!

  9. Clear, direct, and in English. The graphics take away an ambiguity. Hope his business is successful. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  10. haha, yes, when i see those bikes....
