woensdag 15 januari 2014


A special sign in Almere Haven the text says "Bicycle Street, Cars to be a guest".
Linked to signs, signs2.

18 opmerkingen:

  1. As a cyclist, that looks a little ominous to me. :-)

  2. Well that is a first..But I feel sure the bike would have the right of way?

  3. Does this mean the BOTH cars and bikes are allowed on this narrow roadway? Ban the cars!

  4. Unheard of here in the States.

  5. Dearest Marianne,
    And obviously from the sign, the cars have to stay behind any bikers on the bike road...

  6. I wish more cars in my neck of the woods would be "the guests" :) Great capture :)

  7. Deze heb ik nog nooit eerder gezien. Heel fietsvriendelijk!

  8. And guest should be on their best behavior!

  9. Bicycle street I get, but I don't understand what it means about the cars. It's probably one of those terms that means more in Dutch?

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  11. Never saw a sign like this when driving in the Netherlands - maar goed ook - not sure I would have known what it meant.

    Steeds mooi weer in Nederland ? 't gras is groen ...

    Fijne donderdag, Marianne.

  12. ha! I like it Marianne, not seen a sign like this one here :)

  13. A very polite sign...cars to be the guests. I am wondering if that mean they are allowed. Loved your info on the homes and their placement to the dikes. That one huge structure is quite a piece of architecture.

  14. yes, i recently saw that sign close to our place too. or... was it the other way around?! that the bike is a guest... now im not sure anymore... probably the car is the guest... i really should have a look now!!
