donderdag 16 januari 2014

Living behind the dikes

Living in a country below sealevel you can see very well in the village Almere Haven where I live. The village is not situated very close behind the dikes  but recently new neighbourhoods are built  rather close behind the dikes.

Standing on the dike you could have a look in the surroundings of these very expensive houses with swimmingpools in their garden. Fast growing hedges and trees were planted to have some privacy.

The orange house is a living for five families each with their own part.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. What an interestingly shaped house! All the houses look like contemporary architecture.

  2. I love the house where the five families live - I like the way it is built, and even has its own privacy with windows and sun decks. The dikes are too close for my comfort but it is indeed very beautiful. Green grass, eh....we are still under lots of ice n snow. :)

  3. In think it amazing the way the Dutch have actually created so much land.

  4. It looks like an exclusive area Marianne.. we have expensive areas really close to the beach here, I prefer just a little bit further away just incase of disasters :)

  5. I enjoy seeing the Dutch way of life making the most out of what they have. Interesting to see.

  6. Such a clever idea building the dikes and creating more land.

  7. This is s very attractive residential area. I don't think Holland has ever had a dike failure???

  8. The Netherlands and the dunes, they belong together. I once walked at the dunes and I fell in love immediately.
    The house in the last photo is a very interesting building.

  9. ooh, i would like a swimming pool..
    but on the other hand. in the netherlands?! the weather is always shitty! :)

  10. Dearest Marianne,
    You did show it very clearly how low the actual level of the houses is. It is scary in a way... but also quite an achievement that this is possible. That orange block with 5 homes within is a nice concept and it looks very neat. Sure, privacy is another issue when your are situated that low where people can view from the dike down.

  11. They look very modern houses. is there a problem building behind a dyke.
