dinsdag 13 mei 2014

Lost Leg

This 6 meters high leg, made by artist Henk Visch (1950), I saw in the city of Amersfoort.
He made over the years, several versions of this sculpture, named "Again" . The first one, a gold of 101 cm high he made in 1990. 

This large copy in green patinated bronze he made this year on behalf of a Housing Association and is intented for a residential area in the city of Haarlem. It was in Amersfoort only for an exhibition.
When watching his website I noticed I had posted another sculpture by him before here in Rotterdam. 

13 opmerkingen:

  1. It is an unusual sculpture but doesn't do much for me.

  2. That was an excellent link Marianne, he certainly has a unique style.

  3. Dearest Marianne,
    Lovely statue with its Roman foot!
    He must have had this example in his own circle... {What Type of Feet do YOU have?} (you can click...)
    Hugs and enjoy your day!

  4. ooh, i like this very much!!
    more than the legs you posted earlier.

  5. Perhaps I am being too practical and literal, but I wonder what the intent is for this sculpture?

  6. It is definitely an interesting sculpture! I like it too.

  7. It's a very shapely leg but in my humble opinion, it needs something more to make it interesting.

  8. Need to add a lampshade and be like the leg lamp in A Christmas Story.

  9. Here we had an artist (César) that only made giant thumbs !
    I agree with Cynthia, something more would make the sculpture more interesting ..

  10. There's a certain amount of power shown here.

  11. I thought of A Christmas Story immediately!

  12. Een beetje te groot voor een normale vrouw.

