zaterdag 21 juli 2018

Artis Zoo

A few more photos I made last June in the Amsterdam Zoo Artis. A Lion looking for some shadow.

They look like the Australian birds I see sometimes on  Grace's blog.


A Marmot.

And a playground for the kids.
Linking to "Saturday's Critters"

11 opmerkingen:

  1. Hello, wonderful critters and photos from the zoo. I love the llamas. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend! PS, thanks also for your comment on my blog.

  2. Wij hadden vroeger een abonnement op het Noorder Dierenpark. Er is altijd genoeg te zien in een dierentuin.

  3. What a fun assortment of critters. I love that colorful bird!

  4. the playground fits right in with the zoo.

  5. What a wonderful collection of critters. The marmot looks very involved eating its greens in a comfortable position. Kids must love that playground.

  6. looks like Kitty Cat is just chilling.
    Coffee is on
