donderdag 10 oktober 2019

Tree leaves

We have a currant tree in our frontyard and as it is autumn now with lots of rains, its leaves began to fall off in rapid tempo. So I decided to sweep them up from the street and put them in the bin. Hubby got inspired and started to sweep the roof of  our shed and the one of our neighbours. He had borrowed a ladder from the neighbours and they helped us to lift down the leaves in a basket from the roof. We were chatting and laughing with each other when suddenly someone came running by telling that there was smoke coming from the roof of our neighbours house!

It was panic, the neighbor's wife had put a pan with fat on the stove that had sat on fire! She had  completely forgotten while helping us with our leaves. She ran into  the kitchen to try to blush the fire, but the kitchen was full of smoke already.  Luckily the Fire Brigade arrived in a few minutes with three! fire engines and had the fire under control very quickly. The neighbours wife had inhaled smoke and had to go to hospital for treatment. And we all left shaking behind, what disaster can happen in a few minutes.

14 opmerkingen:

  1. Nou zeg, wat een schrik. En wat mooi toch: de hulpdiensten in dit land

  2. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad the fire was caught when in time to stop it before a horrible disaster. You are so right, these things can happen so fast.

  3. Fortunately it was brought to a halt quickly. My parents once left a meatball cooking. They got home, there was no fire, but the house had a good deal of smoke inside, and it took several hours of all the windows open to air the place out.

    The meatball was charred to a crisp.

  4. Oh my! Amazing how disasters can happen at a moments notice. So happy everyone is okay. We were coming home from the grocery store and a pickup truck didn’t see us and pulled out. We had to swerve quickly...thank goodness he didn’t hit us.

  5. Dat is inderdaad schrikken! Gelukkig dat ze er snel bij waren.

  6. Glad that the firefighters quickly got the fire under control and extinguished. Situations can change very fast and that's scary.

  7. So easily done. The same thing happened to my neighbour. Fortunately the fire brigade arrived promptly but they had to leave the house for 6 months whilst the house was refurbished.

  8. O my gosh, b! Please keep us informed about your neighbor's progress. I hope she has a full recovery.

  9. Good that everybody is safe. I hope there wasn't much damage.

  10. Oh wow Marianne, what a fright you must have all got.. you are so right, cars must be taken at all times ✨

  11. How frightening! It’s so easy to do, get involved in another thing and forget you are in the midst of cooking. I hope there wasn’t too much damage.


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