zaterdag 7 maart 2020

Modern Art Museum

After seeing Carlos Morales we went upstairs together with a schoolclass with children and their teacher for a practical museum lesson.

We watched Damien Hirst work "Waste" the explanation you can read below.

I go for the jewelery of Hans Appenzeller

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Tja, ik heb toch moeite om een bak met afval als kunst te zien. Dan toch liever de sieraden.

  2. I do not always understand modern art. As for the waste display, I do understand we must all cut down on the amount we create.

  3. Janey is right, we all need to cut down on waste which is not an easy thing to do. I like that jewelry too.

  4. I'd be inclined to find art there more to my liking.

  5. I do not particularly like Damian Hirst's work. I read an article about him recently being close to bankruptcy as he has squandered most of the millions he has made. So much for waste!

  6. We are definitely a throw away generation. Love the jewellery Marianne.
