zondag 8 maart 2020


I was invited this week for a farewell party of a former colleague in the Public Library.  She said goodbye after 36 years of work and I have known her for that long.

Many current and former colleagues had come and it was a nice Reunion for everyone.

10 opmerkingen:

  1. Looks like a wonderful turnout for your former colleague. Thirty six years at one place is very impressive. It must have been nice to see your old colleagues too.

  2. You gave her a very nice send off. It must have been fun seeing all those people you worked with before.

  3. What a super send off they gave her Marianne, reunions can be so much fun ✨

  4. Leuk lijkt me om iedereen weer eens te zien

  5. So nice that you do this for your retirees.

  6. It's always nice to get back with former colleagues.

  7. It is good to reflect on our careers and to meet our coworkers once again, yes.

  8. Gosh 35 years is a long time in a job, lovely to catch up like this Marianne.
