zondag 14 februari 2021


 The last time we had  an icewinter was in 2018, here on  canal in Amsterdam. Yesterday we had a frosty night and the waters were frozen. Skating is a national Dutch sport so many people went out to skate. Couldn't find them in our surroundings, was looking at the wrong place I suppose.

Could only find this frozen man on the ice.

And ice on the Gooilake.

8 opmerkingen:

  1. I at one time owned ice skates...Would dare not try at my age...but gosh that looks like fun!

  2. Skating on the canal! How fantastic Marianne, looks so much fun ✨

  3. Very chilly. I have never learned how to skate.

  4. That frozen man is quite a sculpture!

  5. You found many enthusiastic skaters. I still remember reading Hans Brinker when I was a kid. I still have the book.

  6. Tomorrow is the last day we will have ice skating here. Workers will begin taking down the rink Tuesday.

  7. IJs op het meer is een bijzonder gezicht!
