woensdag 4 juni 2014

Water fun

The water fountains that jump up and down unexpected at the Haarlemmersquare in Amsterdam always attract children (and their parents)

16 opmerkingen:

  1. vandaag valt het water hier in Brussel met bakken uit de hemel

  2. This is such a great shot - and a lot going on as you look around in this photo. A very bright, smiley photo indeed. Wonderful - you've captured the moment.

  3. One time I unknowingly walked through one of these and got a wet surprise.

  4. They are a lot of fun Marianne, especially in the warmer weather..
    p.s. after reading your last post I have such a hunger for a Cajun potato :)

  5. Yep, I could see where that would be a lot of fun for a small child and maybe even a little scare, too.

  6. Kids love these fountains. In summer they get all wet despite what parents might think of it ... :-)

  7. We had one of these in Kirkwood, Missouri - USA.
    I had the fortune of taking a loved one there and she had a ball.
    I am glad the children (and adults) of your lovely city get to enjoy this great fun as well.
    Peace :)

  8. I can feel the freshness in the air with this photo.

  9. W also have such water spots here . It's beautiful to see,and very funny when kids play with water !

  10. Dearest Marianne,
    Oh, kids LOVE it when unexpectedly water jumps up and they also love to play in it! Great for summer time.
    Lovely photo.

  11. We have one here too and my grandkids love it!

  12. Children and water are so compatible!

  13. oh yes!
    i like to sit there and have a look!
